And when you push that away, youll push away even the most important things. 当你这样做时,你也会把最重要的事都拖后。
You must push away the many temptations that are always present or your schedule is useless. 得推开那些不断出现的诱惑,否则你的日程表就没用了。
The best reason in the world to move perhaps the most difficult exercise of all is to learn how to push away the emotional obstacles that have been holding you back from accomplishing your personal goals. 这世界上要追求进步的最好原因恐怕也是最难做到的是学习如何赶走阻碍你达成目标的情绪。
I was afraid if I told you that I would push you away! 我怕如果我告诉你了这些你就会走掉!
Again the release point, good or bad, can be traced to the quality of the push away. 再说一次,推球的质素会影响释球点的好坏。
You will recognize that when people act closed or fearful, when they reject, push away, or act needy, they simply have not yet brought enough of their soul's love into their hearts. 你会了解当人们表现出封闭或恐惧,当人们拒绝、推开或显得贫乏时,他们只是还没能充份的将灵魂之爱带入他们的心中。
Stop trying to hold on to positive emotions or experiences, or trying to push away negative emotions or experiences, since doing either is trying to stop something that is innately designed to move. 尝试尽力留住好的情绪和体验或尽力驱逐不好的,两者均在试图停止本质上需要流动的事物。
But my wish is you won't push me away. 但是我的愿望是你不会推开我。
Like poles of magnets repel. Atoms with opposite charges attract each other, or atoms with the same charge push away from each other. 相同的磁极互相排斥。带异性电的原子会互相吸引,反之,带同性电的原子则会互相排斥。
Sometimes I would kiss him madly, then push him away, even curse him. 我有时候疯了似的吻他,然后把他推开,甚至于破口骂他;
The push away is the trigger for proper bowling execution. 推球是保龄球整体动作的起始点。
Don't push away the boat that carried you across the river. 不要一脚蹬开帮你渡过河的小船。
If you really plan to push away my heart left unlocked or unbolted, whether you have already had enough courage. 如果你真的打算推开我这一扇虚掩的心扉,你是否已有了足够的勇气。
If he's got you, push him away! Like this. 如果他来侵犯你,象这样推开他。
There was something in the girl's voice that made Kolodyazhny push away his papers and give her a long look. 姑娘的声音有点儿各别,柯罗贾治尼就推开文件,瞧了她半天。
No matter how hard I tried to push you away, you never gave up on me. 不管我走的多远,你从来没有放弃过我。
Push away, men, we'll soon move this rock. 继续推呀,伙计们,这块石头很快就要推动了。
Then the Lakers began to push away from the warriors with a32-point third quarter and a31-point fourth. 下半场湖人开始发飙并击垮了勇士,其中第三节砍下32分,第四节也有31分。
Then why'd you push him away? 那为什么把他赶走了?
And when I push him away, he has this temper. 我推开他,他大发脾气。
What you need you will urgently seek yet secretly push away. 你会一面迫切地寻找所需,同时又悄悄地将它推开。
Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud. 当宙斯看见希拉推开乌云时,他将爱娥变成了只小牝牛。
And I wanted to push away that part of who I am. 我总想把我的这部分给抹去。
I have seen people push away an outstretched hand in angry annoyance. 我曾看见有人非常恼火地把他们的伸出来的手推开。
Toward you, I will push away some otiose social partieses but some go home early, because I know that you would be very lonesome at home, and will be surprised for my load to be subjected to fear. 我向你保证,我将推开一些不必要的应酬而早些回家,因为我知道你会在家里很寂寞,而且会为我担惊受怕。
Don't worry, I, although is it push away to be considered carefully yet by you, I can give you endless thanking too! 别担心我,虽只是你未及细想的一推,我也会给你无尽的感激!
Inverse analysis of tunnel surround rock mass displacement the method of that utilizes examine scene examine displacement is it push away mechanics characteristic and geological parameter of the primitive project area& The analytical methods of mechanics characteristic parameter, initial crustal stress in the project area, etc. 隧道围岩位移反分析法是利用现场量测位移来反推工程区域的力学特性及其地质背景的初参数&力学特性参数、初始地应力等的分析方法。
Propose information service to give to push away voluntarily, information intellectual listing service and individualized information customization person who serve operational mode. 提出了信息主动推送服务、信息智能代理服务和个性化信息定制服务等运行模式。
Think it over, westerner's natural instincts humour, natural advertising humour, it explain like this the easy, it but can push away towards "natural instincts" just? 想来想去,西方人天性幽默,自然广告也幽默,这样解释比较省事,然而只是朝天性一推就能了之吗?
On-Line Optic Measurement Using Water to Push Away the Coolant 用水排开冷却液进行在线光学测量研究